Link Building and its role for higher SEO rank in 2019

A newly built website does have to go through a struggling phase during which people gain knowledge about it. This is the time when the website improves in terms of credibility. For a new website, gaining instant attention of the users and getting instant conversions is not an easy task by any means. This is a gradual process that takes time. There are some factors which can obviously improve the performance of a website and help in gaining a high SEO rank. One of them is link building. Every strategy that SEO professionals normally use to build links works as a Backlinks Maker for their site to attract more new online customers.

What is link building?

Getting good connections is a smart way to do business whether you are running an online brand or an offline one. With proper link building processes, you can get connected to websites / online brands that carry a strong reputation. Getting connected to such websites does help because they have a big clientele. When your website is connected to these already established domains, it becomes easier to construct the reputation for your website. Now, website owners should know about the correct set of practices for link building.

  • Can you link with any website in a random manner? The answer to this question is no. You cannot link randomly to any website and the best options have to be selected for this purpose. If you get connected to a low standard website, its negative effects would obviously hamper the performance of your website. It is highly important to check and confirm the reputation of a domain before you establish a link. For instance, you can check the reputation of a website by checking Google Page Ranks. If the website itself does not rank on the first page, you would not get any benefits by connecting with it. In an overall manner, you should be sure about the website you are connecting with. Check its reputation and its progress before you decide about finalizing it for link building purposes.

Link Building through Guest Post Submission

Link building can be done through numerous ways. One of the best ways which produces quick results is submission of a guest post. You need to select a website for link building and submit a guest post. This post would contain the link to your website. When users view the blog, they would click the link if they find the information interesting enough. However, if the readers feel that the content is not good enough, they would not bother clicking the link. Thus, simply providing a link to the website is not good thinking. A lot of concentration has to be put in for creating the content of the guest blog. Here are some other points which you need to focus on.

  • The content of the guest blog should be well researched. Unfortunately, a lot of blogs do not fulfil this requirement. People focus on writing a lengthy blog and most points are repeated. This is mainly because the subject for the blog is not well researched. If the reader finds out that the content does not have enough new points, he would obviously not make the effort to read the post till the end. On the other hand, if a blog is well researched and enough new points have been covered, you can expect the reader to not only read the entire post but also click the link to your website.
  • The tone of the blog is extremely important and decides whether the reader would read the content with interest or not. Some guest blogs are written with a pure marketing tone. This is not the correct practice. Although a guest blog is written for marketing your brand and driving traffic to the website but the tone should not be promotional. Most readers tend to ignore content written with a promotional tone. It is important to develop the liking of the reader. Hence, use a story telling tone. Connect all the facts in the form of a story so that the reader develops the encouragement to read the content. Drive the reader naturally to your link instead of making big claims. In an overall manner, do not use a promotional tone as this can drive the traffic away immediately.
  • If a website is establishing a relationship with you for link building purposes, it would obviously aim at maintaining its reputation. If a guest blog has grammatical problems, the website on which the blog has been submitted would lose its reputation. Along with that, you would not get any visitors on your website. Hence, checking a post prior to submission for grammatical issues is very important. Make sure that the post does not have format problems, sentence structure issues, punctuation problems or any other issue. The post would be perfect in terms of grammatical standards before it is published.

Important Aspects for Link Building

As it is mentioned above, you simply cannot connect with any website for link building. Quality matters and the selected website should be more established than you and have a better reputation as well.

Here are some important aspects which should be considered

  • Check the user count of the website you are connecting with. There is no point in connecting with a website which itself is in the struggling phase. It should be established. Checking the user count would obviously give you a clear estimate of this. If the website has a large user base of regular customers, it would be a feasible option for link building. On the other hand, if a website does not have a good user base, there is no reason to choose it for link building.
  • What is the SEO rank of the website? This is the most important aspect for selecting a website for link building. The purpose of link building is increasing the SEO rank and this aspect should be considered when you are opting for a website. It should preferable be ranked among the first five slots on the first page. Connecting with a website that itself has a low rank is not wise thinking. This is because if a website itself does not hold a high SEO position, it would not cause any improvement in the rank of your own website.

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