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Information about knee surgery in India

The moment you need to have a total knee replacement surgery, the rehabilitation and recovery process does play a crucial role in getting back on your feet and contribute to an active lifestyle. The process of healing from a surgery works out to be much faster and contributes immensely to the long term success. Always opt for the best knee surgeon in India as they are experts with a high success rate. The chances of complications are on the lesser side.

Do commit to a plan and try to push yourself a bit extra with each passing day. You need to learn more about the process of healing that would help you to recover at a faster pace.

Day 1

The process of recovery starts the moment surgery takes place. Within a single day you are able to walk with the aid of an assisted device. It is really important to start getting up and walking with your artificial knee as soon as possible. The physical therapist will guide you with a set of exercises that would help you to strengthen the muscles. They are also going to demonstrate on how you can get in and out of bed with the aid of an assisted device.

Day 2

Then the surgeon may ask you to walk for brief periods with the aid of assisted device. Rather than relying on a bed pan they may ask you to use a toilet. At the same time you might have to continue using the CPM machine. Once you are recovering from surgery the activity levels will increase

By week 3 discharges will take place

By this time you are able to move more freely with reduction in pain levels. In the meantime your reliance on assisted device would become less and less at this point of time. As prescribed by your PT you are likely to be engaged in exercises. You can head outside for walks as the dose of medicines would decrease considerably.

From week 4 to 6

If you follow the prescribed regime you are likely to notice a significant improvement in the condition of the knee. It is going to display the required flexibility along with strength. The PT may ask you to go for long walks and ask you to wean off from the assisted device. Just discuss with them on how soon you can return back to normal activities.

Weeks 7 to 11

From this point of time you are well on the road to recovery. In most cases you are able to walk a few blocks with the need of any assisted device. At the same time you can engage in a host of activities which does require physical exertion.

The PT will monitor your activity levels and suggest some modification exercises once the condition of your knee improves. Some of the exercises that are suggested are

For long term success this period does assume to be a lot important. The commitment towards a rehab plan along with exercise would actually determine on how soon you can return back to normal activities and how well you are expecting the knee to work in the future. Some of the goals you are expected to achieve by this point of time are

Week 12

In case if you have been really committed to the process of rehab, the chances are pretty high that you might enjoy physical activities like swimming, cycling and golf. It would be really important so as to continue the exercises that would be prescribed by the PT. Do keep away from the temptation of engaging in high powered activities that would cause any sort of damage to the surrounding tissue

Up to this point of time you are likely to witness a significant decrease in the levels of pain. It would be really important to be in touch with your medical team till this point of time and engage in any form of activity only after you have got the necessary clearance from them. Virtually there is going to be no sort of pain once you touch upon 12 weeks after the surgery. The flexibility in terms of motion of the knee increases considerably.

Week 13 and more

The process of improvement in the motion and flexibility would be felt at this point of time. With the passage of time the pain is going to reduce. Within a year or so you are going to be at 100 %. But it would be really important to maintain contact with your medical team and figure out on how the knee is working at this point of time. If you face any swelling, unwanted pain you should not hesitate to get in touch with a surgeon.

Each and every person is unique and this extends to the process of recovery as well. What might work for one person will not be the case with another person? For a full recovery it is going to take you around 3 to 12 months at the most. The harder you commit to the process of recovery the sooner you are going to recover.

Why choose India?

Of late India has gone on to become the official medical tourism hub of the world. A testimony to this fact is the number of patients who are coming for medical treatment to this part of the world. The main reason why this happens is the cost of treatment is on the lower side. When you compare it to the advanced countries of the world you save considerably in terms of treatment costs.

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