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Best Marketing Techniques For Small/New Business, Guerrilla Marketing

Guerrilla Marketing is an unconventional marketing strategy which involves cost-effective exposure of products and services. The term Guerrilla Marketing might sound menacing, but it’s not threatening.

 The marketing campaign raises quick brand awareness in the market. This marketing tactics can also boost the sales of products and services overnight.

The process of the advertising campaign based upon influencing targeted customer to do all marketing activities. You will provide interesting stuff related to your business or products to your customer and get engagement. After that inspire them to share or talk about business with other. This way whole marketing campaign is executed.

The main challenge in this marketing tactics is getting people endorse your product. For this, you must provide content which could dive people attention. This can be done if you can understand your targeted audience, their likes and interest.

The marketing campaign encompasses the Viral Marketing and the Buzz Marketing. Both of this marketing campaign focuses on the use of targeted customer for marketing of business or product and services. They produce the advertisement which dives people attention and inspire them to share or discuss among their circle.

For more details about the Viral Marketing, you can check the article  What is Viral Marketing?, Strategies To Make It Successful. If you want to learn about Buzz Marketing, check the article What Is Buzz Marketing? Strategies For Effective Buzz Marketing.

Guerrilla marketing campaign is pretty useful for small business when they have to compete with the bigger organization. This marketing campaign helps to reach the large audience with less effort.

Usually, large organization uses the unconventional method of advertising and proclaim that they are using Guerrilla Marketing.  This is not Guerrilla marketing. They use the huge budget to do such advertisement.

Types of Guerrilla Advertisement.

1. Ambient Marketing:

Ambient Marketing is placing ads on unusual objects or in the place where no one usually expects to see an advertisement. This advertisement could be placed anywhere.

The successful Ambient Marketing campaign consists of the selection of suitable media format and the place combined with an effective message.

The advertisement is very effective as it would leave enduring effects on consumers. It inspires your consumers to think about you differently.

2. Ambush Marketing:

In Ambush Marketing, you try to market your goods and services by relating your products and services in the event. It’s not by sponsoring the event rather it is done without making event organizer aware of your marketing campaign.

For  e.g. disturbing brochure of your business where stalls of products and services of your competitor are installed.

3. Stealth Marketing:

Stealth Marketing is the technique of marketing products and services which involves using people to promote goods and services without making them aware that they are promoting.

This marketing technique is launched before the product is launched. The marketing campaign helps to retain people attention till the product is launched. In this marketing few information of product is leaked to create buzz.

Normally the Apple company uses the marketing campaign to promote its products.

4. Projection advertising:

As the name, it is the advertising where projector technique is used to advertise products and services. In this marketing technique, you display your advertisement on the surface of the building or any such place where it could be displayed to the larger audience. The place could be densely populated areas.

This marketing campaign is run during the night. This is a billboard advertising where the virtual billboard is created with the help of high-powered spotlight.

This kind of advertising is launched to promote event, movies. Commonly seen in cities like Los Angles, Chicago, and San Francisco.

5. Grassroots marketing:

Grassroots marketing is not about delivering the message to the larger audience. It’s about targeting individual customer or specific groups to develop the personal relationship and using them to promote goods and services.

Individual customer or groups which you target in the marketing campaign are influential people who can deliver your services to mass.

Author of books while promoting his books could give his books to top reviewers without charging money. Those reviewers, if give the positive review of books would influence other readers to buy the books.

6. Wild posting:

The wild posting includes advertising done through posters. In this advertising technique, posters are placed in the place where it could be displayed to the larger audience.

The place could be dense traffic urban areas like shopping malls, walkways or alleys.

This kind of marketing has been banned these days as this has created environmental pollution.

7.  Astroturfing:

Astroturfing marketing is the deceptive practice of marketing where the message appears to be real from the company. The message is only defined by the company but not have any connections with the company.

This marketing campaign is usually launched on the internet where company hire bloggers, reviewers to give the positive review and message of their products and services.

This is not recommended as it is fake marketing and very risky. It could harm the reputation of the company if the consumer comes to know about the reality of the business.

8. Street marketing:

Street marketing is the unconventional marketing technique carried out in specific areas like streets, parks. The main aim of the advertising campaign is to encourage targeted clients to remember your brand and products.

It helps you to get physical interaction with your consumers which has been proved means to influence consumers to take products and services.

This marketing campaigns could be done by various means. Some of them are human animations, uncovered actions, event actions like distributing flyers, brochures in the event.

Guerrilla Marketing is ground level marketing. It appeals the message to small groups of people who would deliver to the larger audience. It uses unconventional or non-traditional methods of marketing techniques. That’s why it is recommended to small or new business. You can choose any of the above methods whichever is convenient for you to promote your business.

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